"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


First name : Marilyn 
Last name: Dàvila 
Age : 17 years old
City: Envigado
Country: Colombia
Occupation: Student teachers
Interest:I trust and love God. Want to be the best teacher and learn every day from children`s. I love doing all sorts of creative things.
I like motorcycles, going to the movies, shopping, eating ice cream, I love dogs and pink.Something that can not miss in my daily routine is  do sport`s and I hope meet United States.




I  was born on November 28, 1995 live with my family. I love God and I like the motorcycles, I love dogs, eat hamburger and go shopping.

I studied from two months of birth because my parents work. I remember a lot of my kindergarten teacher because I leave many positive lessons in my life. After between San Vicente de Paul  until fourth grade to pass Normal Superior de Envigado. I left of La  Normal in 2012 Grade 11 and now I'm doing my training as a teacher.

Me gusta ser MESTRA : porque es un trabajo que exige mucha dedicación y muchas veces, hasta sacrificio. Se necesita tener vocación. Si es que quieres hacerlo bien.

Porque elegi ser maestra? Un maestro, enseña las primeras letras, y las que siguen y las que siguen de las que siguen. Un maestro, inculca a sus alumnos sus ideales, y su manera de ver la vida. Su huella queda plasmada en el alma de sus alumnos, y no sabe, que tanta trascendencia llegará a tener su palabra.